How to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london
How to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london

how to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london

You also might want to keep an eye open along the way for sweet collectibles like.

how to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london

Try to keep your little flock together, and hit if you need to restart. Shirley, for instance, is big enough that she can push heavy objects and boost her friends higher, but also can't jump as high or walk on certain objects without weighing them down. Each sheep is a different size, however, and all have their advantages and disadvantages. From the streets to the rooftop, London is littered with hazards and obstacles than Shaun and his pals will have to work together to get past safely. The object of each level is to get all three sheep safely to the end of the stage (marked by a white arrow) together, but this is no sight-seeing tour through Trafalgar Square.

how to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london

Use the keys to move the sheep one at a time, and hit, , or to swap between them. Will they ever find their way back home? Or will they roam the streets forever, subsisting on fish and chips and photobombing tourists in front of the palace? After trying to help their farmer, Shaun and company inadvertently find themselves on the road once again, eventually winding up in London after a hair-raising road trip. Aardman's woolly wonders are back again in the physics puzzle platformer Home Sheep Home 2, the follow-up to the original. unless you're a trio of sheep who can't seem to stay put.

How to beat the last level on home sheep home 2 lost in london